Garage Takelbedrijf Degrave is a well-known name in West-Flanders. Since 1959, you've been able to find us on major and minor roads, helping motorists and drivers out of trouble. If you have a breakdown or an accident, we provide quick attendance, expert assessment of the situation, and can offer the appropriate solution.
This may be an emergency repair on the spot so that you can continue your journey immediately, but sometimes, it may involve towing. In that case, we will recover the vehicle and take it to your trusted garage or the address provided by your insurance company. And there is another option: you can leave the repairs to our own team of experienced car mechanics. The choice is yours.
We are at the service of private and professional drivers and, therefore, repair private and company vehicles. Moreover, we are active in the immediate surroundings of Middelkerke, but also further afield in Ostend, Westende, Nieuwpoort, and by extension, the entire province of West Flanders.
Check out our website and find out exactly what we can do for you.